Read This Article If You Are Planning to Buy Wholesale Gemstone Beads
Today, the number of Gemstone Beads Manufacturers India is growing rapidly due to the increase in its demand. There are many precious and semiprecious gemstones available in the market offering benefits. Well, if you are also looking one for yourself then here are some options to go with. Types of Gemstone beads Amazonite: This gemstone bead belongs to the microcline class of the feldspar group and its name comes from the belief that it is found in the Amazon river in South America. Amazonite is a unique stone that varies in color starting from blue-green to pale green. In fact, in a single piece of stone, you can see different shades of green color. Amazonite is one of the few stones found in granite rocks that are mined in many areas of the world including Namibia, Brazil, Russia, the US, Zimbabwe, Australia, Madagascar, and many more. This gemstone is basically set as cabochon because it can break easily when faceted and most importantly, not pr...